This is a sad day.
My dad and brother left this morning (after amazing Cinnamon rolls of course). Being a boring 5 hour drive away from them, I love having them here!
Sadly, I don't have many pictures from this weekend because......
*deep breath* I spilled a water bottle in my purse and soaked everystinkingthing in there.....
But here's what I do have:
We drank a lot of MD. Good stuff.
Oh yeah... Jason picked up some sticks and then burned them.
This baby was CAAAAling my name. Oh you pink evil Schwinn. Fit into my pocket and come home with me!
Logan found some treasures. For some reason, he didn't leave with them.
I love seeing my dad because he always has something cool and insightful to show me. Things like scripture, book gems, or songs he's found a love in.
And he "handed down" this purple blanket my grandma made! I think it's fabulous::
Please disregard my semi-high face. Doesn't this look like it belongs in a fancy house with all kinds of beautiful things?!
Maybe I'm crazy.